Class Etiquette

Our ballet class environment is different than soccer practice or swim meets. For an hour a week, creative movement and ballet classes can be a special time, a time for growth and study, expanding horizons and discovering possibilities.

We need to be respectful of our keiki and provide them with a quieter, less chaotic, and more secure environment, even if it is for only one hour a week. We have taught ballet in Hawaii for over twenty years in many different settings, from Hawaii Baptist Academy to Island Tumblers, from Holy Nativity to Hawaii State Ballet, from Ballet Hawaii to the Mililani Rec. Centers. We welcome parents and families, but bringing siblings that disrupt class
with their play and loud voices and with noise and distractions during class or bringing pets, or sports equipment and toys for siblings to play with, or dropping off children (who are not in class and leaving them unsupervised)
is not welcomed.

So, we ask that everyone please carefully consider the real reasons why we bring our children to ballet and the importance of observing class. In the search for a balance between welcoming parents and families
and respecting our young dancers and their efforts, parents should consider how they impact the learning environment. We ask that parents and observers, friends and siblings help in providing an environment in
which parents can quietly focus on the joy and delight of the music, creative expression, and exploration in dance for their children.

Most ballet schools do not allow parents to come into their dance class rooms, but we want to welcome parents to share the positive energy of our classes. So it is that we ask you to:

1. Leave food and candy outside
2. Share conversations downstairs or outside
3. Not bring in your children who are unable to sit and watch quietly
4. Sort your mail, read, do your knitting, e-mail, etc., outside
5. Silence electronic devices and if you need to use them, do so outside
6. Arrive on time. Students who are more than 10 minutes late can watch, but not participate in class. The reason is, those who miss the important warm-up in the first 10 minutes are more vulnerable to injuries.

We welcome picture taking and observing, but we ask that you not distract our students, teachers, and other parents. We invite you to share and enjoy this special time of learning and growth; our children grow up so very fast.